Thursday, March 17, 2011

Back to Trinity

Aaron and his fan club!
Renee and Nikki with one of the youngest
Lori and Edward
Renee and friends

Most of us stayed home on Monday, but a few of us ventured in to school for part of the day. It is so quiet here! There are no roosters crowing or water trucks playing the theme from Titanic, loud horns, or crowded streets. We miss it all. Several of us returned to Durham and almost immediately were ravaged by an intestinal bug. Aaron and Renee missed two days of school while Cookie, Julia, and Danielle slugged through the school day enduring waves of stomach cramps. I too, succumbed to the a bacterial virus which landed me at home for the better part of the week. Now on a strong antibiotic, I am back at school hoping to keep a banana and some rice down today. What has kept me going throughout this illness are the memories of our time in Haiti. The trip was so worth the stomach pain!

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