Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What a Day!

I am yawning as I write this post at 7:45 PM tonight and know that I will be in bed shortly after devotions tonight. Our day was filled with activities and adventures from 8:30 AM until 6:00 PM, leaving the team with much to ponder in the coming days and weeks. We began our day as we have several days before by visiting the Good Shepherd School. Each time we turn onto the street where the school is located, we are met by a swarm of children who immediately begin chanting, Hey You. Hey You. Hey You. The gate of the school opens for us and the children race behind our pick-up truck trying to grab our hands. We climb out of the truck and are swept up by the enthusiasm of the children who greet and hug us. All kinds of clapping games ensue as well as lots of thumb wrestling. So Fun! Today, our work project involved picking up all of the trash in the front of the school. The children jumped right in and took over the work. As a reward, we gave them a pouch of water and a piece of candy. You would have thought that we had given them an ice cream sundae based on their thankfulness.

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